
extensive global cross-j9九游会真人游戏

中国宁波启动大型全球融媒传播行动--滨海宁波 扬帆世界

extensive global cross-media journalism campaign ningbo, setting sail to embrace the world launched in ningbo, china

北京时间3月2日上午,《滨海宁波 扬帆世界》2022大型融媒传播行动正式启动,将以海洋为纽带,链接15座世界著名滨海城市及历史文化名城,通过全景式采访、融媒体呈现、国际化传播。实现1000家媒体发布,数亿级人群触达的行动效果。这是一次宁波城市发展定位的全球媒体解读和宁波城市实力的全球自信表达。

on the morning of march 2, 2022 (beijing time), “ningbo, setting sail to embrace the world”, a large-scale cross-media journalism campaign, was officially launched. fifteen renowned coastal cities and cities with profound histories and cultures, linked by their deep ties with the ocean, will be featured in panoramic interviews and cross-media reporting for global impact. the coverage will be relayed by more than 1,000 media organizations globally, reaching hundreds of millions of viewers. the campaign is a worldwide media reporting of ningbo’s development aspirations and a global assertion of ningbo’s competitiveness.


ningbo’s goal of transforming into a modern coastal metropolis has been endorsed by all sectors of society and attracted much attention from the city’s global circle of friends. peter thomson, the un secretary general’s special envoy for the ocean, stated in a video speech that cities are critical to preserving the well-being of the ocean, must participate in the renewable energy revolution, and live in peace with nature. he hopes that ningbo would serve as an example in this regard and be part of a movement around the world to restore the human-ocean relationship to one of respect and balance. he also expects ningbo zhoushan port to be a pioneer in the decarbonization of shipping.

《滨海宁波 扬帆世界》2022大型融媒传播行动启动仪式实现了多平台全球融媒体直播,还设立了余姚河姆渡遗址和宁波舟山港两个分会场。三江口主会场作为中国大运河的终点和海上丝绸之路的起点,往姚江溯流20公里,就是中国8000年海洋文化的起点河姆渡遗址、井头山遗址;往甬江溯流40公里,就是货物吞吐量连续13年世界第一的硬核力量宁波舟山港。启动仪式后,全球城市互访、海上高端访谈、燃情杭州亚运会、巡游最美海岸线、全球创意互动点亮一盏宁波灯等活动将陆续展开,时间持续到年底。

the opening ceremony of “ningbo, setting sail to embrace the world”, held simultaneously in the city center’s sanjiangkou, at the yuyao hemudu neolithic site, and the ningbo zhoushan port, was streamed live globally on numerous platforms. sanjiangkou, the main location of the opening ceremony, is at the estuary of china’s grand canal and a port of departure of the maritime silk road. 20 km upstream the yao river from sanjiangkou are the hemudu neolithic site and jingtoushan archaeological site, the birthplace of china’s 8,000-year-old maritime culture. 40 km downstream the yong river is the ningbo zhoushan port, the world’s busiest cargo port for the last 13 years and the city’s powerful force of development. the opening ceremony will be followed by events distributed throughout the year, including international visits, high-level interviews, coverage of the hangzhou asian games, coastline scenery filming, and “a global lighting of the ningbo lantern”.

source:publicity department of ningbo municipal party committee

editor: li xiaoying

senior editor: lei junhu

editorial director: qian hao

chief editor: ge ying

english corner
2022-03-02 12:12:08