
开学啦,来一次冰雪“沉浸式”体验students begin new semester with winter sports-j9九游会真人游戏

视频制作 记者 胡琦

2月18日,宁波国家高新区实验学校的学生迎来了别样的开学活动——“相约高实,牵手冬奥” 冰雪嘉年华项目化学习成果展。孩子们心情雀跃,与校长罗树庚一道,来了一场冰雪“沉浸式”体验。

on february 18th, ningbo hi-tech zone experimental school’s students and principal luo shugeng took part in a special back-to-school event—the “embracing beijing 2022 together” school fair, showcasing the results of the students’ project-based learning.


the ongoing beijing 2022 winter olympics has kindled strong interest in winter sports among the students. to give the children a taste of ice and snow sports in a city that gets little snowfall, teachers organized a range of creative projects and activities, including a charity auction, diorama crafting, olympic gift exchanges, and winter sports knowledge presentations.


parents and teachers came together to construct as authentic an environment as possible for the fair—not an easy task given the difficulty of purchasing certain olympics souvenirs such as the popular bing dwen dwen figurines! some parents loaned their own olympics memorabilia to the fair, whiles others provided arts and crafts supplies. the teachers, in particular, dedicated many hours to putting together the exhibits.


on the day of the event, the display of miniature olympic village and venue models and mascot replicas was a definite highlight. they were crafted by students, who incorporated their eco-friendly design ideas and science knowledge with winter olympics themes. colorful home-made posters and newsletters featuring the games demonstrated the students’ brimming artistic creativity.


several well-known chinese indoor snow gear brands sponsored the event with equipment for the students to play indoor curling and hocky with, deepening their interest in winter events.


through a school fair that celebrates learning outcomes and fosters interest in winter sports, parents and teachers contributed to an enriching learning journey for the youngsters.


记者 梅婕 通讯员 张伟强

reporter: mei jie

correspondent: zhang weiqiang

translator: mei jie

proofreader: zhao qingchuan

editor: pang jinyan

senior editor: lei junhu

editorial director: xu jie

chief editor: yang jingya

english corner
2022-02-19 14:25:40