
老外在宁波:当冬奥遇上中国年 -j9九游会真人游戏

虎年春节,宁波乔治亚外籍人员子女学校校长cavon ahangarzadeh与家人在宁波度过。自2009年来到中国之后,全家人都会一起过个中国年,今年,北京冬奥会的到来更是为这个假期增添了一抹别样的色彩。

cavon ahangarzadeh, the principal of georgia school ningbo, will spend chinese new year in ningbo with his family. they've been celebrating this holiday since they moved to china in 2009. this year's holiday will be made much more enjoyable by the upcoming 2022 beijing winter olympics.


2021年宁波市“茶花友谊证书”获得者cavon ahangarzadeh:虽然我来自美国,但宁波就像我的第二个故乡。我很高兴我在宁波定居并学习了解宁波的历史和文化。同样,我也很高兴我的孩子们能在宁波长大学习。他们在很小的时候就和我一同来到宁波,并获得了很好的学习发展机会。希望我能不断为宁波未来的发展继续做出贡献。

cavon ahangarzadeh:for me, ningbo really feels like a second home. i come from america, but ningbo is really my second home. and i’m happy to be here and to learn more about ningbo. its history and its  culture and i’m happy that my children are able to grow up in ningbo. they’ve been here since they were really young and have learnt so much. and they’ve been given such great opportunities here. 

hope to continue to contribute to the city of ningbo for years to come as much as possible. 



do you have plans for the upcoming spring festivals?


that’s one of the main activities that we will participate in watching the winter olympics games here, with my family.  


what sports you would pay more attention to in the beijing winter olympic games?


we are really excited about the olympics. snowboarding is especially exciting for me and my family, also bobsleighing. those two are probably the most interesting to us.


did you have activities or events that you prepared for the winter olympics games?


well at our school, we’ve been preparing students, we had some different fun activities for them.  what’s coming up and the historical and significance of the olympics games.


do you have plans to promote the education in ningbo and activities for boosting the students' health?


i’ll be here for the long-term in ningbo and i hope to promote the education, healthy body and healthy mind to our students but also to our citizens of ningbo as well. many different opportunities to participate in sports and academic competition and activities.

news source: ningbo evening news

reporter:wang xinyi

translator: mei jie

editor: yang ruijia

senior editor: lei junhu

editorial director: xu ye

chief editor: wang ji

english corner
2022-02-04 09:00:20