
ningbo fun facts 101·legendary streets episode 17 rixin street -j9九游会真人游戏

“if you can improve yourself in a day, do so each day, forever building on improvement.” this quote comes from the great learning within the book of rites, and rixin street derived its name from that classic. over 110 years ago, five major early bookstores of ningbo: jigengzhai publishing house, xinxue society, jingxin press, civilization society, and celebrity publishing house assembled here. then, rixin street – as home of local bookstores –significantly promoted educational as well as cultural sectors and nouveau ideas spread in ningbo. the five bookstores have long faded, but rixin street continues to bring us amazing changes. close to tianyi square, no. 2 department store and yinyi square, this north-south road connects yaohang street and zhongshan east road. its featured location in the city center and convenient traffic have naturally led to great popularity and prosperity. the star hotels agglomerating here make it a popular choice for tourists.

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video: zhou zihao, cai ke, zhao siyuan (intern)

translators: huang dawang, zhao siyuan (intern)

proofreaders: puyang rong, wang fang, jason mowbray

editor: li xiaoying

senior editor: ren xiaoyun

editorial director: xu xiaowen

chief editor: wang ji

english corner
2022-01-26 11:31:15