
“生活没有太大影响,相信很快就能解封” ,看海外传播官erdem ozturk的居家记录 -j9九游会真人游戏

1月4日,是北仑区实施临时封闭管理的第4天,也是宁波海外传播官erdem ozturk(中文名:智其)居家办公的第4天。他所居住的社会被划分在防范区,这几天的日子过得不慌不忙。“生活没有太大影响,除了不能去公司上班,其他还是挺好的!”  

2021年成为宁波的海外传播官,同时也是《ningbo focus》杂志的作者,erdem ozturk 一直对宁波这座城市充满热爱。这几天,他和女友除了做核酸,必要的买菜和拿快递外,他大部分的时间都留在家里。“遵守防疫规定,相信很快就能解封,大家很快都能恢复正常的工作!”  


"there are very few disruptions to our daily life. i'm sure the lockdown will soon end."     

check out a day in the lockdown life of erdem ozturk, ningbo's overseas communication officer.   

january 4th is the fourth day of beilun's lockdown and erdem's fourth day working from home. his residential neighborhood is in the lockdown area, but the restrictions have not disrupted the regular rhythm of his daily life. "there is very little impact. other than not being able to go to the office, everything is fine."     

in 2021 erdem, a turkish entrepreneur in ningbo who loves the city deeply, was named one of ningbo's overseas communication officers. he is also a frequent contributor to the magazine ningbo focus.    

in the last few days, erdem has been staying at home with his girlfriend, except for going out occasionally to do nucleic acid tests and pick up groceries and packages. “if we all follow the rules, i’m sure the lockdown will soon end and everything will return to normal!”

video: zhang haiyu

narration: yu keqiu, zhang haiyu

translator: zhao qingchuan

editor: shi yiqiu

senior editor: lei junhu

editorial director: xu ye

chief editor: yang jingya

english corner
2022-01-04 23:16:00